Ministry Effectiveness, Impact, and Statistics
The devastating and real impact the proabortion protestors have had: 77 babies and toddlers who would be here, but are not. 77 mothers and fathers who would have known there was help and hope available to them, but instead who may now be living with the regret of ending the life of their child.

Over the years various prolife groups and individuals have availed themselves of their Constitutional right to offer hope and help outside the abortion facility in Greenville, SC. About 8 or 9 years ago, existing and new efforts started growing and becoming more organized. Prolifers began keeping track of statistics in 2019. Here are the definitions of the terms on the chart above:
Save - a pregnant woman (or her companion(s)) lets us know that she/they have made a decision for life or she/they offer some other concrete sign that she is “keeping her baby.”
Hopeful - a pregnant woman leaves the abortion facility to “think about it,” armed with life-saving literature and a referral to the local pregnancy resource center.
Turnaway - a woman is “turned away” from the abortion facility to the pregnancy resource center for a free pregnancy test and/or ultrasound whether or not we know if she is pregnant.
Proabortion protestors came out to interfere with prolife efforts on occasions in the Fall of 2019 and the Spring of 2020. However, their efforts were not full-time. Prolifers continued to build outreach ministries and keep track of statistics. Proabortion protestors started coming out again in the 2nd half of 2021. You can see the prolife ministry numbers and effectiveness rising in 2019, 2020 and 2021. As the proabortion protestor activities continued to ramp up and become full-time at the end of 2021 and all through 2022 and 2023, you can see the devastating and real impact it has had on prolife outreach to offer mothers and fathers the help and hope they need to choose life.
If prolife ministers had been able to give out information in 2022 and 2023, it is likely the Saves for those years would have been as many as, or more than, they were in 2021. Using the 2021 Saves of 54 as a conservative benchmark for 2022 and 2023, respectively, there were 34 and 43 less Saves in 2022 and 2023, for a total of 77 less Saves. And that is a conservative estimate of the real impact the proabortion protestors have had:
77 babies and toddlers who would be here, but are not.
77 Moms and Dads who would have known there was help and hope available to them,
but instead who may now be living with the regret of having ended the life of their child.
And, of course, sadly, it is likely this number is higher: 1) prolifers would have continued to build outreach ministries without hindrance and 2) the numbers in the chart only measure the abortion facility customers who prolifers spoke with, but it is likely others who prolifers have shared information with have also decided for life.
The above chart shows the growing effectiveness of prolife, peaceful, prayerful, loving and law-abiding outreach to abortion facility customers and then the curtailment of this effectiveness due to the extreme and varied interferences of proabortion protestors.